Why Gratitude Works and Is Essential For Success

By Mark Rhodes | Success Mindset Videos

Time and time again in the world of personal development we hear that gratitude and being grateful for where you currently are is the key to success.

This always confused me. Surely I need to feel good about where I want to be and not where I currently am!

Then I realised what this all meant and why, as counter intuitive as it may seem, gratitude for where you are now is an essential stepping stone to where you want to be.

It all then made sense and this was a major turning point for me and made achieving the goals and life changes I really wanted to happen appear much faster than before.

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About the Author

Mark Rhodes is a Motivational Speaker, Published Author, Coach and Entrepreneur who has "been there and done it" in business. He now helps others achieve their own dreams and goals and have more confidence and success, lead teams and win more business and sales.