Dealing With Worry and Negative Thoughts Or Anxiety About Situations

By Mark Rhodes | Social Confidence Videos

A lot of people worry and have ongoing negative thoughts or anxiety about situations they have to deal with in life. Perhaps it is worrying about something you have to do at work, or an event you have to attend. Maybe it is a difficult conversation you know you need to have with someone.

Whatever it is, when there is something we have to do or go through, even a trip to the dentist for many, we tend to have an endless stream of bad feelings, negative thoughts, anxiety and overwhelming feelings of dread and doom dominating our lives before the actual situation happens or is dealt with.

In this video I share an effective technique that I have used, and many others have used with my help, to enable them to feel less anxious and worry less about things.

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About the Author

Mark Rhodes is a Motivational Speaker, Published Author, Coach and Entrepreneur who has "been there and done it" in business. He now helps others achieve their own dreams and goals and have more confidence and success, lead teams and win more business and sales.