This is something a lot of people struggle with when wanting to win more business.
This is when they hesitate to take action or feel awkward about being seen as someone who is “selling” – usually because they believe that to sell is to be a pushy, desperate or harsh person…
Is selling desperate, harsh and pushy?
No. Selling is helping.
That’s it.
This is the right mindset for selling. Selling is helping.
When you are talking to the right people at the right time with the right message then selling is a just conversation in which you’re looking to find out if the people you’re talking to need the sort of help that you can give through your products or services.
When you come from that mindset of helping not selling and you appreciate the value in what you do, that’s when it becomes easier.
So, who can you help the most and how can you help them?
Stop reading this now for 5 minutes. Get a pad and pen and think about that question above and write down what comes to mind.
This starts you thinking about target markets, ideal clients or customers within that market and the help (solutions – products or services) that fit and you can provide.
Can you really think your way to success?
Need to expand your comfort zone?
Feel like success is never going to happen?
Does fear hold you back?
Know your outcome before you act
How to be more effective at selling
Conversation Starter – Business Networking
Make sure you understand your prospect